My Thoughts About Storytelling On Social Media

The wonderful thing to remember about advertising is that a story isn’t just about words

Marcel Badia Roig


Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

We may not realize it, but stories are all around us. Too often, we assume stories are confined to books or movies, but if you look closely, they’re everywhere. Take a moment to think about the last time you were utterly captivated by a tale.

That story grabbed your attention, but more than that, it captured your emotions and your mind. It had full attention despite everything else going on around you. That’s a powerful tool, and one that should absolutely be used in marketing and brand growth. Your marketing and your business are filled with stories that have this power, and social media is the platform to tell them.

Today, I’m going to show you just how important stories are for your success on any digital platform.

We all understand now that content is king. And we need to post content that will engage our ideal audience. However, really smart businesses and marketers understand that it’s more than just posting good content. It’s about telling a story and brands are using social media storytelling to engage their ideal clients and convert them into customers. Brand storytelling on social media isn’t new. But using storytelling in your marketing is a great way to build relationships with potential customers, and LinkedIn is a great platform to do this on.

I’m sure we can all remember a funny or sad or thought-provoking story, however, if I asked you to repeat facts or statistics from the last presentation you watched, it might be pretty hard to do. Think of the last content you liked, commented on or shared on social media, the chances are it was because it provoked an emotional response of some sort.

“The goal is to create a personal brand that resonates with your audience and to do that, it is important that your brand tells a story.”

Essentials for Successful Social Media Storytelling

Know Your Audience This is fundamental — you must understand your potential customer as deeply as you possibly can. You can create the best stories in the world, but if they don’t resonate with your potential customer, you won’t get the…



Marcel Badia Roig

Marcel’s goal is to help connect the global and entrepreneurial community networks to engage with each other and have a positive impact on their lives.